8 Reasons Why We Will Always Be Part-Time Travelers



Next week, we embark on our longest trip to date–a  5 week trip around Europe. It’s 5 weeks and 7 countries. It’s exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. So, as we run around like chickens with our heads cut off tying up loose ends, it got me thinking about people that travel full time.

If you are one of those people, my hats off to you because I don’t know how you do it. Although it was a dream of mine before we retired– I now realize Part-Time Traveling is probably a much better situation for us.  Here’s  why-


Literally.  I would miss my home.  The actual structure.  The one with 4 walls and the front door.  It’s nice to go out and travel, but it’s just as nice to be home.


We will be in 9 different beds in 5 weeks.  That means 9 different pillows.  I can’t even deal with a night without my pillow, can you imagine 365?  5 weeks and 9 pillows is probably about my max.

I know that you’re thinking—no this is not my pillow.

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You should see my real pillow—- no, actually you shouldn’t.


If you look at my pinterest board  Moscow Mules of the World,  and if you know us, you know Mike and I are huge Moscow Mule fanatics. Everyday at 4pm-ish, it’s Moscow Mule time no matter where we are!  Luckily, in the U.S. it’s never a problem.


We have had no luck in Europe so far.  When we went to France–we tried to say Moscow Mule in French and English.  The waiters looked at us like we had unicorn horns. Even better–try explaining Ginger Beer in a foreign country?


Don’t faint family and friends.  Yes, I would miss you and yes, I said it.  I must be going soft in my old age.  Here’s just a smattering of the characters in question…..


I am not a big foodie and when we are home we rarely go out to dinner.  I start to miss homecooking (mine) by Day 3 of a trip.   I am pretty content on the road to go to an upscale market and buy food.  I am not a fancy restaurant kind of gal.   So eating in restaurants a couple meals a day for months on the road….not really my thing.


If I am not going to carry my pillow, I am certainly not going to carry my spinning shoes.  I know, you can rent them, but who wants to put their feet in someone else’s stinky shoes?  I told you at the beginning of this blog–I am a straight up, card carrying diva–so it’s not going to happen.  And shoes are only your first problem, you also need to find a spin class….yada, yada, yada.

I would much rather find a Moscow Mule, and exercise on bike (#13), the same one I have been using for the last  2 1/2 years, at my same spin class (are you seeing a pattern here?) when I get home.


Like I said I don’t know how you full timers do it.  I get so sick of taking the stuff out and trying to stuff it back in, every time we pick up and move.  I wish I were one of those cool backpacker people–but as we have established I am not (refer to Diva Clause).  I don’t even need to tell you, I am a check your luggage girl.



Shocker! I know.  I am very creative and my mind never shuts down. I have dabbled and learned every craft known to mankind. I have a need to master something and then once I do, for some reason I get bored and move on.

Sterling silver jewelry you say? Yep, learned to use a torch–opened an Etsy store and sold the stuff.  Leather?  Yep, made and sold leather purses.

So right now it’s photography and traveling…… it could last a year, a month, a decade it doesn’t matter.  That’s the beauty of living this retirement life!  You can just go with the flow.  So we will go with the flow for now.  For now it’s a 5 week trip, another one in January, and another in April.

I am so excited to go on this trip and can’t wait to explore Europe, meet new people, and have a good time with my hubby.   And don’t worry…I will keep you posted on our adventures and misadventures (hopefully not) around Europe.

Take care Everyone!














10 thoughts on “8 Reasons Why We Will Always Be Part-Time Travelers

  1. Wow! What a trip you have planned. Hopefully all the things you will miss at home will diminish in the face of all the wonderful travel adventures you have in store. Wishing you less homesickness than you expect


  2. Enjoy your adventure! You can always be like me and don’t unpack. 😬 I am an outfit repeater. I can pack a week worth of vacation clothes in a carry on. 💁Looking forward to the photos! Edinburgh is amazing, if you have time take a day trip on the train to Glasgow.


    1. Thanks Wendy! I am working towards being an Outfit Repeater! (Hey there’s a post for you…ha) . I have one midsize suitcase for 5 weeks. P.S. we never seem to make it to Glasgow– weird. We go back in April and we will for sure!


      1. I was thinking about “how I pack” blog too! It seams to amaze people. 🤷‍♀️ It’s easy when we go to Hawaii, a couple of swim suits, flip flops, shorts and a dress for dinners out.


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